
I AM DIVORCING. Is Mediation Right For Me?

Mediation or FDR is a process by which the Mediator/FDRP is responsible for assisting you and your ex decide the following: 1. What you both agree you want to discuss.  The Mediator/FDRP cannot compel you to discuss a matter in … Continue reading

What if the Adult Kids Live with me?

“Do I get more from my divorce if our adult kids live with me?” Short answer: No, not generally speaking…unless…. Long answer: As any parent knows only too well, kids are kids for life.  That is never truer than when … Continue reading

“Why I am in this Concrete Mixer?” Some Handy Hints for Family Law Clients:

Separation feels like you are trapped in a concrete mixer: perennially spinning with no end in sight.  It is common to feel a complete loss of control when your partner leaves.  Even if you are the one who has decided … Continue reading

What happens if I make money after I split with my ex? Who gets it?

Navigating financial decisions can be akin to walking through a minefield, especially when it comes to personal investments post separation. For many individuals in Australia, the question looms large: Should I hold off on making any personal investments or acquiring … Continue reading

What if the single expert is playing favourites?

What is a single expert and how are they appointed? The Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia – FCFCOA (Family Law) Rules of 2021 provides for the manner in which a single expert is to be appointed. The object … Continue reading

What are the Seven Mistakes I Should Avoid When Separating?

The holidays often result in a flurry of new family law clients.  One of the reasons may be due to a couple spending more time together than usual and one has decided to end the relationship.  These separations can be … Continue reading

My ex has died: does that mean I get everything?

Family law clients may be asked by their lawyer about their health and the status of the health of their former partner.  Some clients are perplexed by this and don’t immediately understand the relevance.  Health certainly can play a role … Continue reading

LIV Honorary Life Member Award Given to Caroline Counsel

The Law Institute of Victoria (LIV) has recently announced the recipients of their annual Awards. The LIV recognizes Victorian lawyers for their outstanding contributions to the legal profession. The highest ranked honour which may be bestowed on a member is … Continue reading

Why Won’t My Family Lawyer Give Me A Straight Answer?

  A common misconception you may have when you engage a family lawyer is that they will give you the magical answer you are looking for. You hope that your family lawyer will be able to make the stressful and … Continue reading

Are we just dating or are we in a de facto relationship?

The Family Law Act provides creates rights in relation to property matters for married couples and de facto couples upon the breakdown of their relationship. It’s easy to know if you are married, but how do you know if you … Continue reading

“It’s Yours…Unless We Split” – What happens to the gifts I gave my ex after we separate?

    A recent listing of a Tiffany & Co engagement ring on Facebook Marketplace has raised debate over the legality of selling gifts you gave or received from your ex.  In that Facebook Marketplace post, the vendor said, “I … Continue reading